Nov 17, 2014

Changing it up with a New Work Schedule Allows Earlier SNF Visits - Nov 17

It's a Monday...what can I say. I'm very fortunate to be allowed to telecommute in my job 95% of the time, but there are challenges 6 months out of the year when Nevada changes to daylight savings time and Arizona doesn't. So, I have tried something new this year and am still enjoying my new 7-4 schedule to stay in sync with my Arizona co-workers since the time change. Snagging prime parking spaces and missing all the traffic before all the Vegas employees come in isn't shabby, having more evening left after the time change doesn't suck. Feels like a crazy world with my phone, work laptop and Jeep clock in AZ and the rest of my life in NV, but crazily, it's kind of all settling in by week 3. This is also very helpful to get to see Gary earlier in the evenings!

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